Promo Code

Promo Code for Bangladeshi Players and Bettors

How to Activate Krikya Promo Code

To make your Krikya promocode work, you need to pass the process of registration. It is not complicated but you should study the information about it first. Follow these steps to activate the promocode KRIKYABDWIN:

  1. Create a Krikya account or enter into existing one.
  2. Verify your phone number. You will get a call on your mobile phone, so just type in the last four numbers.
  3. Click the orange button “Deposit” in the right corner of the page.
  4. Choose the deposit bonus or write to the support team to apply a promo code.
  5. Transfer the sum which will be enough for getting a bonus, not less than BDT 500.
  6. Fulfil the requirements for a bet turnover.
  7. Get your welcome prize.

Use Krikya Promo Code in the App

To make your Krikya promocode work, you need to pass the process of registration. It is not complicated but you should study the information about it first. Follow these steps to activate the promocode KRIKYABDWIN:

  1. Create an account or enter into existing one from Krikya app.
  2. Verify your phone number. You will get a call on your mobile phone, so just type in the last four numbers.
  3. Click the orange button “Deposit” in the right corner of the page.
  4. Choose the deposit bonus or write to the support team to apply a promo code.
  5. Transfer the sum which will be enough for getting a bonus, not less than BDT 500.
  6. Fulfil the requirements for a bet turnover.
  7. Get your welcome prize.

Terms and Conditions of Using Promo Code

Using a unique Krikya promo code lets players from Bangladesh get a special gift that will help to win more in sports, live and casino games. The voucher KRIKYABDWIN is accessible only for newly registered bettors. The promotion sum is 100% up to BDT 20,000 which will be added to your deposit funds. However, you have to roll it over 18 times to be able to request a withdrawal, and follow these general rules: 

  • Be not less than 18 years old;
  • Use or playing money earned legally;
  • Have an active and verified account;
  • Use promo code only once per account;
  • Wager the needed turnover within 30 days.

Other Bonuses at Krikya

Bangladeshi players get advantage from the variety of welcome offers on the Krikya site. Click on the Promotion tab to see all the possible variants and read details about them. The First-Time Deposit Bonus can grant you the following perks:

  • Slots and Crash: 100% bonus up to 18,000 BDT (x18 turnover);
  • Live Casino: 50% bonus up to 20,000 BDT (x20 turnover);
  • Sports: 100% bonus up to 15,000 BDT (x15 turnover).

The 200% Super Welcome Bonus for Evolution Gaming provider allows additional bonus funds up to BDT 10,000. And also, get a 500% bonus up to BDT 20,000 with Bonus on Slot & Crash Games after the first four deposits.

Advantages of Using Our Promo Code

The bettors of Krikya get a lot of advantages from applying the promocode KRIKYABDWIN. They are the following:

  • 100% enlarging of the first deposit;
  • Up to BDT 20,000 in bonus funds;
  • Access to the great variety of cricket tournaments on the site and in the app;
  • The opportunity to get more from the Krikya slots including Andar Bahar;
  • Fast withdrawals of your winnings after the turnover 18x.


Where Can I Find the Promo Codes for Krikya Bonuses?

Promo codes are available on the promotions page of the website or app. You can also contact customer support for the latest codes.

Can I Use the Same Promo Code Multiple Times?

No, each promo code is typically valid for a single use. If you want to use other bonuses, study the promotion page to find other cool promotions.

Are There Different Promo Codes for Different Types of Games?

Yes, Krikya offers unique promo codes for Slots and Crash, Live Casino, and Sports bonuses. Each code can be applied to the specific promotion.

How Do I Know if a Promo Code Has Been Successfully Applied?

After you enter the promo code during the deposit process, you will see a confirmation push-up message on the screen. It will inform you that the bonus has been activated.

Are Promo Codes Time-Sensitive?

Yes, most promo codes have an expiry date. The promocode KRIKYABDWIN demands you to wager for it within 30 days.